Starting School
School Day
Useful Info
School Performance

School Uniform
Our School uniform consists of the following:
Our uniform is:
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan.
White or yellow polo shirt
Grey, black or navy school trousers/skirt
Shoes should have sensible heels and soles for school
For P.E. pupils should wear:
Royal blue or black shorts
White or yellow t-shirt
Black pumps
Swimming Kit:
Swimming trunks or costume
A swimming cap must be worn
School uniform does not have to have the school badge on and can be plain jumpers/cardigans bought from local shops/supermarkets. We also expect P.E kits to be plain t-shirt and shorts that are not labelled and are of minimum cost.
All PE kit should be kept in a drawstring bag and brought into school on Monday mornings to be returned home on Friday for washing. All clothing must be clearly marked with your child’s name. For health and safety reasons jewellery [earrings, bracelets, necklaces, bangles, etc] is not allowed in school.
Please contact the school if you require further details.