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Our teacher is Mrs Arsmtrong, Miss Brunton and Miss Wanless are our teaching assistants. 


Our nursery school offers 15 or 30-hour places depending on eligibility. The provision caters for children from two-year-old until eligible for Reception class.


Our staff are skilful and knowledgeable about how young children learn. They provide exciting experiences for children to fulfil their potential whilst learning new skills. Our children have the opportunity to learn inside and outside all day, utilising our vast, engaging learning space. We provide an environment which is warm, caring and supportive, where children feel safe and secure to learn and explore.


We work closely with parents and include them where possible in their child’s learning through stay and play mornings and class dojo communications.


This is a fantastic opportunity for children to become involved in school life from an early age and enables smooth transition into Reception class.


For any further information please contact the school office on 01207 232198

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