Starting School
School Day
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School Performance

School Council
Our School Council is made up of two children from each class who have been voted by their class mates.
Our School Council has run for many years now. Each year the children from Reception to Year 6 are asked to complete a nomination form which will outline what skills they have to become a school councillor. Elections are held every year, to elect two representatives from each class in Reception to Year 6.
Class representatives, supported by their class teachers, when necessary, lead Class Council meetings where they share information and ask for suggestions and ideas to make sure all children are given the opportunity to have their views listened to.
Our overall aims are to:
Involve all pupils in decision making in order to give Every child, Every chance, Every day to make Bloemfontein a successful school.
To give all pupils an insight into how organisations, cities and countries are run by modelling and enabling them to participate in a democratic process.